In Notifications, sended to users after successfull checkout, we can display product prices with discount.
Let's see notification "Order was placed (Customer)". Go to page
Shop - Marketing - Notifications - Order was placed (Customer)
It is necessary to work between this construction:
{foreach $order.items as $item} ... {* Order products output *} {/foreach}
1) Change price of each product. Find construction:
{wa_currency($item.price, $order.currency)}
Replace it to the following:
{wa_currency($item.price - $item.total_discount/$item.quantity, $order.currency)}
2) Change total price of each product. Find construction:
{wa_currency($item.price * $item.quantity, $order.currency)}
Replace it to the following:
{wa_currency($item.price * $item.quantity - $item.total_discount, $order.currency)}