
If you want to get price with discount on the cart page, use special construction in the template cart.html


In the template do:

1) Find code in the template cart.html:

2) After it you can add any construction.

Construction examples

− Output of the price with discount

− Output of the compare price

− Output of the discount

− Output of the compare price with additional HTML

Block will hide, if price will be zero. Add CSS-class, remove the loader.

− Output of the discount value for one product item (do not multiply quantity)

Block will not hide, if discount will be zero. Change the tag of the block. Change ruble sign.

By default Shop-Script change prices on the cart page. To prevent your discounted price from being replaced, do not insert the above constructions in the class blocks: item-total or s-product-total.
Also you can delete this classes.

Posted: February 18, 2021
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