
When entering a phone number, you can use a special mask so that the customer immediately indicates the formatted data.

To do this, select field Phone, and below you will see the field for entering phone mask:

By default, it is not active, you need to fill it out yourself.

0 - this is any digit, specifying by user
Z - this is zero, that cannot be changed.

Let's see an examples.

Mask +7(000) 000-00-00

Starting to enter numbers, +7( will be inserted automatically.

If you continue to specify only numbers, you will get a phone number like +7(123) 456-78-90

Mask +(38Z) 000-00-00

Starting to enter numbers, +(380) will be inserted automatically.

If you continue to specify only numbers, you will get a phone number like +(380) 456-78-90

Posted: November 19, 2020
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