
The ability to add and edit reviews in the backend

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    Add and edit product reviews in the backend

    The plugin adds one more tab to the product card in preview mode in the backend. Tab contains a form to compose a new review with the possibility of specifying the name of commenter, e-mail, date and other fields that are necessary to ensure that the review looked "like real".

    Customers are not very willing to be a first commenter, so for new products it is sometimes useful to add a couple self-made.

    If you are upset by the ignorance of the authors of the reviews and have a desire to make the review in accordance with the rules of grammar and/or punctuation in the plugin is the ability to edit any review or comment to the review. The edit can be enabled/disabled in the plugin settings.

    Average rating: 4.30
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    Add and edit product reviews in the backend
    Add and edit product reviews in the backend
    The ability to add and edit reviews in the backend
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