To output new badges You need to embed special code in your theme design. This is necessary for plugin to understand how to position badges. Standard Webasyst badges will be displayed at the old places.
If you do not embed code, new badges will not be displayed on the website.
Before you start make sure that you have made mandatory customization of theme design.
Below you can find recommendations for different theme designs. If you cannot find your theme and you not able to do customization by yourself, write to support.
To make changes, open in your administrative area:
Shop - Storefront - Templates
- Dummy
- Купить просто
- Удобная Покупка
- Выгодная Покупка
- Дизайн со вкусом 2.0
- Дизайн со вкусом PRO
- Material design
- Multi-Shop
- Yourshop
- Default 3.0
- Clear
- Nifty
- Sidebar
- Custom
- Тема «TopShop»
- proStore
- Тема «Flamingo»
- Тема «Shopping»
- Epika
- Supreme
- Unishop
- ExpressShop
- Readyshop
- Easysale
- Smart
- Vivashop
- Mobisite
- Mobile
- InCart
- Easystart
- Universal
- Premium
- Emarket
- TopStyle
- TopMarket
- Inspiration
- Megashop2
- Pure
- Flatty
- Easystep
- Hypermarket
- Smobile
- Minimo
- upStore
- ProfitShop
- Balance
- Gift
- InSale
- Ecommerce 1.0
- Child&Toys
- Modus
- Perfect
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="s-image-wrapper">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<li class="s-product-wrapper"...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="s-photo-main">
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after third match
{if $_is_dialog}
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="image">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<li itemscope itemtype ="">
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="image general">
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="image">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<li itemscope itemtype ="">
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="image general">
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="pl-item-image">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<li{if empty($without_micro_markup)} ...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="image" id="product-core-image">
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="image">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<li itemscope itemtype ="" ...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="image" id="product-core-image">
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="products__image">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<div class="products__inner ...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="product__media ...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="image">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<div class="product-item-inner md-card">
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Сразу перед
<div class="corner top left">
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="image ...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)? -
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<li itemscope itemtype ...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="image" ...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($s.autobadge)}{$s.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="image ...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)? -
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<div class="product-item ...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="image ...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)? -
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<li itemscope itemtype ...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="image" ...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($s.autobadge)}{$s.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="image ...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)? -
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<div itemscope itemtype ...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="image">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<li itemscope itemtype ="">
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="image" id="product-core-image" ...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Identical to Default 3.0
Identical to Default 3.0
Identical to Default 3.0
Identical to Default 3.0
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="image-block">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<div class="thumbnail-catalog one-product">
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="image-block">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<div class="list-catalog one-product fly-to-cart">
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="text-catalog one-product fly-to-cart">
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="image" ...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="image">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<div class="product{if !empty($theme_settings.show_qty)} show_qty{/if}">
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="align-center image_holder"...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)? -
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<div class="product{if ...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="row" ...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="row">
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="product">
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<figure class="product-gallery ...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="imgfix">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<li class="span4 catalog"...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
{foreach $promos as $p} <li>
{foreach $bestsellers as $p} <li>
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="text-center">
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Сразу перед
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="image">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<li class="thumbs cataloghover"...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="image">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="image text-center" ...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="image">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<div class="prd-wrapper"...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="image lg-image" id="product-core-image">
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="image_wrap">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<div class="in...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="image_wrap">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<div class="product">
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="image img_middle...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<a class="product-tile_img"...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)? -
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<div class="product-tile js-product-tile...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="products-list_item-left">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<div class="products-list_item js-product-line...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="product_main-left">
Add code:
{if $wa->get('cart')}{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}{/if}
Immediately after
<figure class="js-product-gallery">
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="image">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<li class="...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<figure class="image-block">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<div class="product-item-wrapper"...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="swiper-container product-gallery">
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<a class="product-tile_image"...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)? -
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<div class="product-tile_inner">
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="products-list_item-image">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<div class="products-list_item js-product-cart-preview">
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<figure class="product-card...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)? -
<div id="video-container"...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="s-image-wrapper">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<li class="s-product-wrapper...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="s-photo-main">
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="image">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<div class="product-layout product-list col-xs-12">
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="image">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<div class="product-thumb n{$n}...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="image image-image"{if $video} style="display:none"{/if}>
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="v-products-card__photo">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
{$badge_html = $wa->shop->badgeHtml($p.badge)}
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="v-products-list__img-block">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<div class="v-products-list__general">
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<div class="v-products-tbl__general">
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to product container:
{$badge_html = $wa->shop->badgeHtml($p.badge)}
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="v-product-image js-product-image...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="product-list__image-container">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<div class="product-list__item{if $limit && $p@iteration > $limit} product-list__item_hidden{/if}">
Add code:
<div style="position:relative">{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
{$product_has_images = $product.images && count($product.images) >= 1}
Add code:
<!-- plugin hook: 'frontend_product.block' -->
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<a href="{$p.frontend_url}" title="{$}">
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
{$badge_html = $wa->shop->badgeHtml($p.badge)}
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
{$badge_html = $wa->shop->badgeHtml($product.badge)}
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
{include file="inc/product.badge.html"...}
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="item-pg__slideshow-main">
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="product-item{if !$_is_slider}{if empty($_hide_sidebar)} ...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="product-photos__main">
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="image">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<li class="thumbs"...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="product-list__item-main">
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="product-image__block">
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="product-main-mobile">
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately before
{if $badge_html = $wa->shop->badgeHtml($p.badge)}
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="Single__Box--MainFigureInner">
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="image-block">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<div class="thumbnail-catalog one-product">
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
{$badge_html = $wa->shop->badgeHtml($p.badge)}
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<div class="list-catalog one-product fly-to-cart">
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
Identical to TopStyle
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after first
<div class="uk-card uk-card-product...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="{if $viewmode == 'vertical'}uk-width-expand{else}uk-width-1-1{/if}">
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
If you want to embed badges to product container:
{if $is_enabled_video_icon && $has_video}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="c-product-thumb__image-box">
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="c-product-images__images-container">
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="product-item__image-wrapper" title="{$}">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<div class="product-item__content">
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="product-photos__main">
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="image {$hover}">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<div class="border accent-border hovers">
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<figure class="product-gallery border">
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="product-item__image-wrapper" title="{$}">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<div class="product-item__content...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="product-photos__main">
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="s-product-block">
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="s-photo-main">
<img src="{$wa_active_theme_url}img/svg/empty_photo.svg"...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="products__list" ...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="l-products__list" ...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="p-images">
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<li itemscope itemtype ="">
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<figure class="product-gallery">
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="uk-card-media-top">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<li itemscope itemtype =""...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
<div class="uk-hidden">
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
{if $favorit}
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="p-images__slider-cont">
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="item-c__image-wrapper item-c__image-wrapper_fixed">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<div class="js-product-list-item...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="item-list-c__pic-col">
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="pd-image">
Identical to Easystep
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
If you want to embed badges to image container:
{if !empty($badgeHtml)}
If you want to embed badges to product container:
{if !empty($favorit)}
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="products__item">
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="p-images__wrap{$class}">
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
{$badge_html = $wa->shop->badgeHtml($p.badge)}
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="product-info" id="overview">
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="image">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<li class="thumbs"...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="image">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<li class="list">
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="image text-center"...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately before
If you want to embed badges to image container:
{if $badge_html}
If you want to embed badges to product container:
{$badge_html = $wa->shop->badgeHtml($p.badge)}
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="product__gallery"...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($p.autobadge)}{$p.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
If you want to embed badges to image container:
<div class="products__img">
If you want to embed badges to product container:
<div class="products__list ...>
What does the "..." (ellipsis)?
Add code:
{if !empty($product.autobadge)}{$product.autobadge}{/if}
Immediately after
<div class="p-images__container">